Fred B. G. Tumbuan
Senior Partner
The late Fred B.G. Tumbuan, was the senior partner established the firm in 1981. He studied Philosophy at the Pontifical Athenaeum, Poona, India; Theology at the Jesuit Theological College, Melbourne, Australia; and Law, Universitas 17 Agustus’45, Jakarta. He had been a lecturer from 1982 until 2011 in corporate law and bankruptcy law at the legal studies post‑graduate program (Program Pascasarjana) of the Faculty of Law, of Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. He was specializing in corporate finance and business law, covering banking and capital market transactions and general corporate work.
His corporate finance and business law experience has covered acting as Indonesian legal counsel to offshore financial institutions in foreign currency financings to Indonesian borrowers, both private companies as well as state-owned companies. He had also been involved in numerous Indonesian and global securities offerings by Indonesian Issuers.
His past experiences involved in the preparation and negotiation of joint venture agreements, articles of association and other related agreements for the setting up of joint venture companies by both state-owned and private Indonesian companies within the framework of the foreign capital investment law since the establishment of the firm until now.
Besides being a registered BANI (Indonesian National Board of Arbitration) and IArbI (Indonesian Arbitrators Institute) Arbitrator, he was also a member on SIAC (Singapore International Arbitration Centre) Panel of Arbitrators, a member on APRAG (Asia Pacific Arbitration Group) Panel of Arbitrators and a member of KLRCA (Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration) Panel of Arbitrators. He had further also acted as an expert witness regarding aspects of Indonesian law and their effect on disputes with respect to contracts governed by Indonesian law that were submitted to arbitration and the courts held in Jakarta and in Singapore.
He had written numerous articles and seminar papers on various aspects of Indonesian contract law, corporate law, securities law and bankruptcy law. He had in addition previously published two studies on respectively Indonesian corporate law entitled “Indonesian Unincorporated Business Entities and the Limited Liability Company” and Indonesian private civil law entitled “An Anthology of Indonesian Private Law Essays”. He was involved in the review and drafting of the Indonesian Company law, the Indonesian Bankruptcy law, the Fiduciary Security Law, the Law on the Yayasan (Foundation) and the Law on Advocates (Attorneys-at-Law). Previously, he was a member of certain teams charged with the review and/or drafting a revision of the existing law on the Civil and Commercial Partnerships, the law on Associations, the law on Hypothec (mortgage) of Registered Ships and Aeroplanes and the law on the Orphan-Chamber (Balai Harta Peninggalan).
Professional Activities
He was previously inter alia a member of the Board of Commissioners of PT Nestle Indonesia; National Committee on Governance Policy (Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance), Corporate Sub-Committee (Sub-Komite Bidang Korporasi); Supervisory Board and Chartered member of LKDI (Indonesian Institute of Commissioners and Directors); Chairman of the Certification Committee of AKPI (Indonesian Association of Trustees in Bankruptcy and Administrators); a member of the Team of Legal Experts of the Ministry of Defence (Tim Pakar Hukum Pertahanan, Kementerian Pertahanan); a member of the Team of Experts of the Legislative Committee of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Tim Pakar Penyusunan Peraturan Perundang-undangan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia); a member of the Oversight Committee of Company Law of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Tim Ahli Pemantau Hukum Perseroan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia).
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Dutch
- English
- Latin, French and German (a passive command (reading ability)
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