T&P is proud to have represented PT Astra Sedaya Finance, one of the top leading multi-finance companies in Indonesia that is part of the well known Astra Credit Companies (ACC) and respectively of Astra Financial, in managing its intellectual property rights protection for its mobile application for financing, called acc one.

T&P team members Jennifer B. Tumbuan and Sigit Nugraha have assisted in the registration of the marks “ACC ONE + Logo” for software products, applications, management service products, advertising, and financial services, which has successfully enabled the company in obtaining the registration certificates, and thereby, in having the benefit of the protection by the State for its intangible asset.

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 E: general@tumbuanpartners.com

Copyright © 2021 Tumbuan & Partners

T&P is proud to have represented PT Astra Sedaya Finance, one of the top leading multi-finance companies in Indonesia that is part of the well known Astra Credit Companies (ACC) and respectively of Astra Financial, in managing its intellectual property rights protection for its mobile application for financing, called acc.one. T&P team members Jennifer B. Tumbuan and Sigit Nugraha have assisted in the registration of the marks “ACC ONE + Logo” for software products, applications, management service products, advertising, and financial services, which has successfully enabled the company in obtaining the registration certificates, and thereby, in having the benefit of the protection by the State for its intangible asset. #tumbuanpartners #lawfirm #indonesia #legal #law #lawyer #corporatelawyer #leadinglawyer #advocate #dealmaker #committedtoexcellence #workhard #worksmart #intellectualproperty #marks #trademarks #merek #kekayaanintelektual #HKI