Tumbuan & Partners (T&P) is a leading Indonesian law firm that provides diverse legal services designed to meet our national and international clients’ needs. Our lawyers are licensed and registered as advocates and legal consultants who have extensive experiences, knowledge, and skills in handling legal issues under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. The market has recognized T&P’s role in advising our clients for successful completion of high-profiled and complex transactions, as evident in our firm’s reception of a number of awards and nominations by several highly regarded legal directories. T&P areas of practice include the following:
#tumbuanpartners #lawfirm #indonesia #legal #law #lawyer #corporatelawyer #leadinglawyer #advocate #dealmaker #committedtoexcellence #workhard #worksmart #boutiquelawfirm #practicearea #banking #finance #capitalmarket #securities #arbitration #construction #infrastructure #debt #restructuring #bankruptcy #suspensionofpayments #islamicfinance #merger #acquisition #mining #energy #oil #gas #privateequity #property #realestate #landacquisition #telecommunication #media #technology #litigation
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