Senior Associates
Senior Associate
Risman Yansen Mario Napitupulu has been in practice since 2010. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Indonesia in 2010, with a majority in procedural law in where he was actively participated in moot court competition. Prior to joining T&P, previously he spent three and a half years worked as a legal officer at a multinational bank in Indonesia and several other prominent law firms in Jakarta where he was involved in banking and finance transactions, various merger & acquisition projects, capital market, mining projects, foreign investment and commercial litigation matters.
At T&P, he has been involved in capital market, banking and finance, merger & acquisition projects, general corporate matters, as well as various commercial transactions.
His professional experience covers acting as legal adviser to among others:
- PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (Persero) in its issuance of Bonds 2016 in the amount of IDR 1 trillion (as well as reviewing related agreements which provided by the Notary);
- PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (the Issuer) in the Right Issue 2015 in the amount of more than IDR 5 trillion. PT Aneka Tambang Tbk is one of the biggest gold mining companies in Indonesia with 20 subsidiaries;
- PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia in its plan to acquire 100% shares in a sugar company at Blora, Jawa Tengah;
- PT WIKA Tbk in its issuance of Medium Term Notes 2014 in the amount of more than IDR 800 billion (as well as reviewing MTN Issuance Agreement; Payment Agent Agreement; and MTN Registration Agreement at KSEI);
- the Government of the Republic Indonesia, particularly the Directorate for Sharia Finance of the Directorate General for Debt Management, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in relation to the issuance of Indonesian Retail Sovereign Sukuk (Surat Berharga Syariah Negara) in Indonesian Rupiah with Fixed Coupon Seri SR-006 Year 2014 with Ijara Asset To Be Leased Aqad (Retail Sovereign Sukuk) on 5 March 2014, with a total value aggregating to Rp19,323,345,000,000.- comprising of 19,323,345 units with a nominal value of Rp1,000,000.- per unit. The Retail Sovereign Sukuk has been issued with a fixed coupon of 8,75% per annum and has a due date on 5 March 2017.
Professional Activities
- PERADI (Association of Indonesian Advocates)
- HKHPM (Association of Capital Market Legal Consultants)
- Bahasa Indonesia
- English
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