The Association of Venture Capitals For Indonesian Start-Ups (Asosiasi Modal Ventura Untuk Start-Up Indonesia/AMVESINDO) which registers more than 70 venture capital companies as its members, held its Annual Members’ Meeting in June 2022. At the meeting, the milestones during the years 2018-2021 were presented and new management members for the period 2022-2025 were appointed:
-Mr. Eddi Danusaputro as the chairman
-Mr. Markus Liman Rahardja as the secretary general
-Mr. Dennis Pratistha, Mr. Donald Wihardja, Mr. Chrismanto Saragih and Mr. Rama Mamuaya, each of them as a vice chairman
Our senior partner Jennifer B. Tumbuan has the honour to be part of AMVENSIDO and serves as the chairman for the legal and governmental department.
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