The Indonesian Capital Market Legal Consultants Association (Himpunan Konsultan Hukum Pasar Modal or HKHPM) which registers more than 800 members, held its Annual Members’ Meeting last November 2022 and concurrently held a seminar, which was held both offline and online on the topic of “Affiliated and Conflict of Interest Transactions” and the changes in its regulation from time to time.

Mrs. Ucu Rufaidah, Director of the Capital Market Institution and Supporting Professionals of the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Direktur Lembaga dan Profesi Penunjang Pasar Modal OJK) was one of the keynote speakers together with Mr. Bacelius Ruru, Mr. I Nyoman Tjager and Mr. Soemarjono S., who each presented notable materials on the topic at the event.

Our Senior Partner Jennifer B. Tumbuan has the honour to be part of HKHPM’s management, acting as the General Secretary (Sekretaris Umum) of HKHPM under the leadership of Mr. Iwan Setiawan.

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