Tumbuan and Partners (T&P) had the honor of assisting PT Maharaksa Biru Energi Tbk. (OASA), a renewable energy semiconductor manufacturing company, with its issuance of 5,988,620,000 new shares at an exercise price of Rp100,-. The proceeds of the rights issue, aggregating to Rp598,862,000,000,- are intended to be used for the acquisition of PT Indoplast Makmur Lestari an energy company, capital increase in two of OASA’s subsidiary, and for its own working capital. The proceeds are expected to assist OASA in creating a clean and healthy environment by converting waste into energy and growing into a large-scale renewable energy company.
Our partner, Veronica Sylfani, led the T&P team, which was assisted by associate, Raden Widyantara, and had the full support of the other T&P members.
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